Saturday, January 24, 2009

A good day at Wolf Creek with Carla


Traci said...

fun1 i will never forget my 1st skiing experience with you. thanks for your willingness and patience!
glad your are out skiing and enjoying life1
we miss you!

Letty said...

I LOVE that photo. I love you guys...and miss you too. Nothing like being outside and having fun!

Lisa B. said...

you guys look great!! i heard you kicked butt that day mom. way to arent you glad you came west?

USAFBayley said...

i sooo wish i was with you skiing! texas is so retartedly not snowey! UGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! prolly better anyway! can you immagine me hitting some sweet air doing a daffy.... and then... just then.... the flying bannana.. or is that the flying face plant... ya know.. you realy never can tell what arial trick it is while you are ceasuring! hehehehhe j/k check out my blogspot B-!!!!
